Run Productive Meetings

Business Analysis Methods, Tips and Techniques

The business analyst should ensure that all business analysis meetings are well planned and productive.

It is important that the meeting goals and objectives be clear, that an agenda is prepared and distributed prior to the meeting and that the meeting room is suitably set-up.

Following the meeting, meeting minutes or notes should be produced and  distributed to participants and other stakeholders.  The documentation should summarize key topics covered, important decisions made and "action items" (with due dates) resulting from the meeting.

Productive Meetings

The scribe designated for note taking must be knowledgeable with the subject matter.

Where possible, the business analyst should make the notes during the meeting and prepare the minutes.  This helps ensure that all important points are captured and clearly stated.

There is a significant amount of preparatory and follow-up work required for well conducted formal meetings.  This work takes time and effort and needs to be factored into the project plan.

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